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Our main focus is buying people out of slavery. As often as we can afford, we select families in the worst positions and legally purchase their lives back.   


After they are freed we provide housing and food for six months, find them new places of employment, enroll the kids in school and pair them with a church.


We are involved in a lot of additional activities including starting churches, running our own school and feeding those in crisis.





We Identify the Slave Families

We have an amazing team that has worked buidling relationships in many of the brick kilns across Pakistan. With an estimated 4.5 million slaves in Pakistan it's not hard to find the slave families, but we work very hard to identify the familes that are in the most need first.

We Legally Buy Their Freedom

Most people are born into slavery, but they are held their due to a debt at sometime in their past that was accrued. Christians are allowed to be owned by law, but if their families debt is satisfied they have to be set free. Each person usually costs between $200-$300. Once the debt is paid off, paperwork is filled with the government office showing that the slave now owns their life.

We Provide Housing and Food

Once the famiiles are saved they don't have any means to provide for themselves. Our team finds and pays for transitional housing and food for their entire family for six months.

We Find New Employment

As you can imagine, these individuals are some of the hardest working people you will ever meet. They are used to working 10-14 hour days in the sun. Our team typically can find employment within the first month for each family. Then, because their living expenses are paid for they are able to save all of the money they earn.

4.5 Million
Christian slaves in Pakistan

10-14 Hours per day
Making bricks by hand

Multi-generational Slavery
Most people are born into slavery



We started our first school. We have 300+ children that attend. With our current site we have plans to build the building out so that it will hold 600 students. These children are taught to read and write. This is one of most basic ways to create lasting impact through education.


We have found that one of the best ways to create a large impact is through the legal system. When the slave owners abuse and mistreat their slaves our team gathers the information to present to the local authroties. We have legal representatives that are then able to bring cases to the court. In some instances the court has ruled in our favor and released all of the slaves from owners as punishment for their crimes.

Food Security

One of the hardest things to see is families especially kids that are starving. We have made it a priority that we will provide as many meals each month as funding allows. In our last big push we distributed over 105,000 meals during the rainy season in Pakistan.

New Opportunties

The foundation of our organization will always be SETTING PEOPLE FREE! However, we are always praying about new opportunities for our organizaiton to be a part of. Please continue to follow us on our social media accounts for the most updated information.



Please pray for the team in the U.S. as well as our

team members in Pakistan.

Please tell others about our cause.

We would also encourage you to pray about

becoming a monthly partner of the ministry. 

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free..."
Luke 4:18 


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Brandon McNace Ministries

A Conduit for His Resources in the Darkest Places of the World

P.O. Box 86

Dallas Center, IA 50063


© 2022 Brandon McNace Ministries

Registered 508(c)(1)(a) Non-Profit Organization

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